Welcome to the Puppy Place! Where every puppy finds a home.Charles and Lizzie Peterson love puppies. Their family fosters these young dogs, giving them love and proper care, until they can find the perfect forever home.After getting home from school, Lizzie is surprised to hear that her parents are fostering another yorkie puppy. After all, their last yorkie foster, Princess, was a little spoiled. But Biggie is Princess's total opposite: He's energetic and tenacious! Can Lizzie find this teeny puppy with a big heart a perfect home?
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Single Daddy To Go: A Holiday Single Dad Romance
Kidnapped For His Royal Heir (Passion In Paradise Book 9)
The Quest of Finding the End
Grace Harlowe's Plebe Year at High School
Ridge: Great Wolves Motorcycle Romance
An Elephant in My Kitchen: What the Herd Taught Me About Love, Courage, and Survival