In a fiery tale filled with villains and heroes, this installment of the Earth Angel series takes readers on a magical journey rich with emotion, intrigue, and danger. Fans of Twilight, The Red Queen, The Selection, and Harry Potter will devour this breathless fantasy set in a modern mystical world.Freed from the clutches of evil, Layla's feelings for Quin deepen, culminating in a bond like no other. But their relationship comes at a price, and it may cost her everything. Is Layla doomed to spend the rest of her magical life in hiding? Or will she find the will to face the danger?
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- The Glass Books of the Dream Eaters, Volume Two
- The Mummy and Miss Nitocris: A Phantasy of the Fourth Dimension
- She Knew He Was Coming
- Broken Dream
- Without a Front: The Warrior's Challenge (Chronicles of Alsea Book 3)
- Quarantine
- The Dragon of Avalon