Embark into an alternate reality, through the eyes of a deranged monster, and watched carnage and mayhem on epic level. This book is not for a faint hearted, so read it at your own risk, and prepare for the ride of a century.While travelling to a distant galaxy, on an assassination mission, Rave's ship is struck by an unknown projectile, causing him crash-land into an alien planet he was passing over. With his ship destroyed, his weapons gone, he finds himself trapped on the savage planet filled with dangerous chimeras. A powerful darkness lurks on the planet, far much dangerous than he is, and the residents of the planet are hiding deadly secrets. And as he ventures further into the forests, the threat grows restless, the eyes of shadow turning towards him, and his own insatiable blood lust taking over. Will he conquer the dark forces that reign over the planet, or will he fall victim to them?