<i>Black Rite has a lot of great things going for it, the first of which is Caraway can set up a mean mystery. The story pulls you in almost immediately ... Caraway gives you a town rich with characters and history, and really fleshes out the main characters so they are almost tangible ... Caraway does a phenomenal job dishing out just enough answers to keep you glued to the book ...</i> ~ Steve Pattee, HorrorTalk.com <i>... Caraway's writing style is wonderfully descriptive ...</i> Lilia Tombs, Horror Shock Lolipop After his brother's gruesome suicide, Bruce Kain wants nothing more than to live a quiet life on the Californian ranch that Gary Kain left him in his will. But when he discovers Gary's journal, which divulges his dangerous obsession with a disgraced actress who also committed suicide, Bruce's grief turns into disbelief and then horror when he learns that his infatuation had become murderous, Gary recording the events in...