Danger lurks within the roots of Forest of Souls, an epic, unrelenting tale of destiny and sisterhood, perfect for fans of Naomi Novik and Susan Dennard."A tantalizing beginning to a rich new fantasy series." —Traci Chee, NYT best-selling author of The Reader trilogy"Absolutely enchanting." – Natalie C. Parker, author of Seafire"You won't want to escape." – Sarah Henning, author of the Sea Witch"Will leave you shouting sisters unite!" – Mindee Arnett author of Onyx & Ivory and AvalonSirscha Ashwyn comes from nothing, but she's intent on becoming something. After years of training to become the queen's next royal spy, her plans are derailed when shamans attack and kill her best friend Saengo.And then Sirscha, somehow, restores Saengo to life. Unveiled as the first soulguide in living memory, Sirscha is summoned to the domain of the Spider King. For centuries,...