This novel is about Chen Feng, a down on his luck kid of unknown origin, and the famed trash of a backwater sect. He is so unlucky, he even ended up getting struck by someone else’s Tribulation Lightning. And yet, maybe not.
For when the Tribulation Lightning descended upon him, it triggered something that he had been carrying with him all this time, granting him a cultivation technique so powerful, it would turn his world upside down.
List Chapter or Page:
Chapter 1: Youngster Chen FengChapter 2: Strange Cultivation TechniqueChapter 3: LessonChapter 4: Exhilarating BattleChapter 5: Aftermath of the Lightning StrikeChapter 6: Strange ExpertsChapter 7: Unexpected CalamityChapter 8: CapturedChapter 9: CrisisChapter 10: Blessing in DisguiseChapter 11: ProvokedChapter 12: Attacking to KillChapter 13: Eldest Brother of Iron Sword SectChapter 14: InterrogationChapter 15: Exerting Dominance Within the Martial GroundsChapter 16: Troops AmbushedChapter 17: Plotted AgainstChapter 18: Critical BattleChapter 19: Fighting on the BattlefieldChapter 20: Mighty Blade View More >>