Amidst intergalactic civilization’s penumbra, Agents Max and Miranda intercept feral aliens stalking the unwary humans. When the agents become the hunted, they must overcome deceit, voracious creatures, and romantic distractions.Agents Max and Miranda fall tonsil-deep into betrayal.On their first mission together, Max and Miranda hunt a predatory alien on Earth. Max has survived missions through sheer indestructibility and persistence, but this has cost the lives and limbs of less durable teammates. This time, he is determined to keep his new partner alive. When Max becomes dinner for an alien ruler, Miranda begins doubting her decision to become an agent.A threat grows with every bite.Together, Agents Max and Miranda must overcome deceit, conflicting evidence, and evisceration to stop a growing menace on Earth and apprehend a traitor to the Intergalactic Secret Service.
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