Monkey King tells the story of twenty-eight-year-old Sally Wang, a young Chinese-American woman whose mental breakdown and sojourn in a hospital set her firmly on the path of memory. Her recovery takes place against a rich tapestry of culture and personality that unfolds before our eyes under the Monkey King's ghostly shadow. For Sally has been living with a terrible family secret, one that has shattered her life. How she pulls together her Chinese and American identities into a cohesive self and rejoins the land of the living is recounted with a wry and refreshing honesty.
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Page 1Page 2Page 3Page 4Page 5Page 6Page 7Page 8Page 9Page 10Page 11Page 12Page 13Page 14Page 15Page 16Page 17Page 18Page 19Page 20 View More >>- Nanny and the Professor
- First Quest: The Mentalists series Book One
- When Art Rises: Living in Cin: (A Twisted Interracial High School Love Triangle)
- The Killing Forest
- The Symphony of Death
- Winter at the Beach
- Fire Inside Me
- Because He Takes Me (Because He Owns Me, Book Two) (An Alpha Billionaire Romance)