In a world filled with abilities and superpowers, Moby Kane, a 16-year-old boy, is an orphan who is living his life with a little too much optimism, trying his best to get by.
Due to him having no ability, he had been bullied and tortured every day. However, for some odd reason, he never complained and always stayed happy no matter what. It was almost unnatural.
On one cruel day of immense pain, he realized that the world is a brutal, unforgiving place, making him regain his lost senses.
In his moment of desperation, a miracle happened.
List Chapter or Page:
Chapter 1: PrologueChapter 2: A New BeginningChapter 3: Such Nice PeopleChapter 4: Skills ExamChapter 5: The Breaking PoinChapter 6: System UnlockedChapter 7: A Pleasant SurpriseChapter 8: An Old FriendChapter 9: The Sweet Taste Of RevengeChapter 10: Evolution!?Chapter 11: A Sight to BeholdChapter 12: The Great EscapeChapter 13: A Night To RememberChapter 14: PlanningChapter 15: Skill CreationChapter 16: Your What!?Chapter 17: LibraryChapter 18: The Calm Before The StormChapter 19: The Raging StormChapter 20: A New Servan View More >>