KIDNAPPED! BEATEN! RAPED! KILLED! EATEN! screams the hyperbolic headline in one tabloid newspaper. A clearer cut case of murder, then, it would be difficult to imagine. But is there less to this than meets the eye?When the mutilated body of popular music superstar Ryan Watson is discovered in the suburban apartment of two drug-addled and blood stained local youths both police and press have a field day.KIDNAPPED! BEATEN! RAPED! KILLED! EATEN! screams the hyperbolic headline in one tabloid newspaper.DRUG FRENZY LEADS TO FACE OFF! screams another.A clearer cut case of murder, then, it would be difficult to imagine. But is there less to this than meets the eye?
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His Manhattan_A British Billionaire Romance
Dating Dilemma (Book 1, Dilemma series)
The Billionaire's Convenient Bride
Wellington Series 2
Pay Up Hot Stuff: A Billionaire Fake Fiancée Romance
A Common Life: The Wedding Story
The Devils Dawg Pound (The Devil's Apostles MC)