The sequel to Under the Hill, Icarus Rising retells the story of Icarus himself. However, instead of a man and father escaping from prison, the audience is introduced to Rune West, a young man thrown into a world of secrets, lies and unanswered questions. Now, Rune has to make a choice to protect the people he loves or to keep fighting for answers as well as his own freedom.The sequel of Under the Hill, Icarus Rising re-introduces Rune West – one of the last human beings on Earth. After the elimination of his entire species Rune is thrown into a whirlwind caused from the realization that he has been lied to by the people he has trusted the most. With newfound information that makes him question his own humanity, Rune must decide if he should keep pushing for answers – even if it puts his loved ones at risk – or hide away from both the truth and from the aliens looking for him.
- A Nurse for the Wolfman
- Defend Karuk
- Post Mate: A Standalone Racy Read (Deep Desires)
- Half-light and Other Poems
- Nori's Delta (Special Forces: Operation Alpha) (Delta Team Three Book 1)
- MARCUS: A Desdin County Romance
- Preserving Perfection: Self-obsessing with body augmentation has left the entire planet of Ramos wit
- Henry and Sophie