“…a modern masterpiece.” -- Jason Kehe, WiredA demon living in rotting flesh commands an army of zombies and shapeless monsters. A mortal man and an army of clone women fight to stop them.“…a modern masterpiece.” -- Jason Kehe, WiredA demon's army grows as her monsters turn the living into hordes of living death. The Army of Four and the Virgin Army join together to resist. A mortal man, mystical creatures and mass-produced clone women battle zombies, cyborgs and shapeless horrors. Their war is a suspenseful tale of high adventure.
Her Highlander's Heart: Scottish Medieval Highlander Romance Novel
Mommy's Boyfriend (Be My Boyfriend Book 1)
Colder than Ice
The Archivist (The Librarian Chronicles Book 2)
The Killer's Prize
Laced Steel: An Enemies to Lovers Romance (Steel Crew Book 3)
Claiming Xana (Wildcat Graduates Book 2)
The Winter We Collided: A Small Town Single Dad Romance (Ocean Pines Series Book 2)