In a small town in the Nevada desert, an alien pathogen has reduced the entire population to a seething mass of black slime. When the Eighth Doctor arrives, he realises this latest threat to humanity is horrifyingly familiar - it is a virus which almost annihilated his entire race, the Time Lords...
Eleven Doctors, eleven months, eleven stories: a year-long celebration of Doctor Who! The most exciting names in children's fiction each create their own unique adventure about the time-travelling Time Lord.
Eleven Doctors, eleven months, eleven stories: a year-long celebration of Doctor Who! The most exciting names in children's fiction each create their own unique adventure about the time-travelling Time Lord.
- The Unready Queen
- Marty Boggs & The Discovery of the Mummy's Tomb
- Seducing the Senators (The Forbidden Fun)
- An Artful Assassin in Amsterdam
- All Night Long, I Remember You
- Last Teardrop (The Chronicles of Amber Harris)
- Unspoken Desire (Montana Double Riders 3)
- Sweet Salvation (Ruthless Games 3)