"Taken Back" is a short story from the perspective of a young man who suddenly finds himself drafted into the Vietnam War. He finds himself struggling to come to terms with his fears and discovering what "home" really is."When a politician spends a million on himself, we rally and call him a thief. But when a cardinal spends the same amount on his wardrobe, we kneel down and kiss his hand."Atheism: Is it simply a new fad, or the natural path to enlightenment? Have you heard of Honor Killing? Did you know the Bible promotes sexism, gay intolerance and glorifies slavery? And if God truly is omniscient and omnipotent, then why does He allow the Devil to exist? Was it just a mistake? Or does God have a deeper plot set out for Lucifer, once the best and brightest of the angels?These are just a few of the topics discussed and explored, all the while telling the epic tale of a fallen angel on his path to redemption.