A white-collar thief tries to rob an outback petrol station, but when the cards don't fall his way, he gets lost in the burning sands and becomes the plaything for a mischievous jackdaw.15/04/2015: The Jackdaw was featured on the podcast Let Me Read To You (https://pleaseletmereadtoyou.com/) You can listen to Pat and the gang deal with the lunatic raven.A white-collar thief tries to rob an outback petrol station, but when the cards don't fall his way, he gets lost in the burning sands and becomes the plaything for a mischievous jackdaw.The Jackdaw is a modern Australian fable that illustrates the price man must pay for tampering with the natural order of things.15/04/2015: The Jackdaw was featured on the podcast Let Me Read To You (https://pleaseletmereadtoyou.com/) You can listen to Pat and the gang deal with the lunatic raven.
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