Chapter 796 - Semi-finals

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Chapter 796 - Semi-finals

Author: Immortal Iron Bull

Category: Game

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Chapter 796: Semi-finals

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

As pressure bring motivation, the PVP match was so popular so all the participating teams were trying to improve themselves.

Those with matches, observed their opponents in the PVP Arena. Those without, continued to practice to level up and improve their skills.

Wang Yu and the rest did not slack too. Although they said that it did not matter if they won or lost, they actually cared a lot. After all, if they lagged behind, they would be beaten up. They learnt this from others and to these guys who liked to be the strongest and bravest, they found it a valuable lesson.

In the next three days, Wang Yu and the rest spent the daytime fighting various BOSS and nighttime watching battle videos to analyse their opponents’ battle tactics. All of them were kept happily busy.

In three days, their team’s average level was increased to level 47.

Two levels was not big nor small. Although they were not at level 50 to learn new skills, it was still better than no improvement. At the same time, the group BCD’s results were also out.

It was indeed a whole new system. The teams’ standards were surprisingly high with every region having their own dark horse. Quan Zhen Sect’s fame was undermined by those teams while Peerless Pugilist remained at the top.

In Quan Zhen Sect’s office, Frost Blade showed the positioning drawing he just drew and said, “The top 8 is out already. Tomorrow, our first opponent is Team Peaceful.”

“Oh...” Everyone was obviously not very interested in Frost Blade’s report.

Team Peaceful was group D’s victor. Everyone saw their match and amongst the top 8 of all seven regions, they were a very average team, with nothing much to get to know.

Actually overall speaking, BCD’s victors were of similar standards. The four seeded teams were the ones everyone showed interest in.

The four seeded teams were the four strongest teams determined by the system based on their overall abilities... Since even Team Raptors was not one of the four seeded ones, they had to be of certain standards.

Everyone was more curious about these four unknown opponents.

Frost Blade also knew that Team Peaceful’s standard is average. Seeing that everyone was not interested, he quickly added, “The bets have opened on the forum. All top 8 teams are included. Anyone interested?”

Hearing that the bets had begun, Quan Zhen Sect’s eyes lit up. These gambling addicts really did not change.

Especially Spring Halo, he jumped out and asked, “What is our betting odds?”

“1 to 3,” Frost Blade said after looking at the book in his hands.

“F*ck, so high?” Seeing how their own odds were so high, Spring Halo was emotional yet upset.

When the odds are high, it meant that they had a low confidence review. Quan Zhen Sect’s A Murder Of Crow was the winning team of the first round and yet their confidence review was so low.

Frost Blade waved his hand and said, “Because we won in the first round. After three days the hype is gone... Then again, we just established our battle team and have not made a name for ourselves. With another four seeded teams above us, it is normal our betting odds are high.”

That was the truth. The online world’s most popular people changed faster than in real life. If they did not intentionally sensationalise the issue, they would fall out of popularity very quickly, and this was common.

Quan Zhen Sect’s A Murder Of Crows battle team was just established. Other than Twilight City’s players, no one knew who they were... Moreover, it had been days since the first day of the competition so it was normal that they were forgotten.

“Ok, I have 1000 gold coins here. Frost Blade, bet on us being the winner.” Spring Halo took out a bag of gold coins and threw it to Frost Blade.

Spring Halo was known for being calculative and always won his bets. Seeing Spring Halo place his bets, everyone followed.

Even Mu Zixian took out a hundred gold coins.

Wang Yu saw her and asked shockingly, “Don’t you hate gambling the most?”

Mu Zixian said, “This is an exception to encourage you guys!”

“Then why not bet more since it is impossible for us to lose.” Wang Yu laughed.

“Why are you so sure?”

“Because I’m here...” Wang Yu said shamelessly.


It was the fourth day of the preliminaries and also the last day of the selections. Everyone finally welcomed the top 8 for the semi-finals.

It was still at the PVP Arena of War God City. As it was the last day of the competition, the standards were way higher than a few days ago. Hence, almost the entire server of players came to watch the competition.

The number of spectators was so large that it exceeded the system’s predictions, causing the public area to be extremely crowded. The game company was forced to open a dungeon space to prevent overloading.

Other than the top 8 teams, there were also two more teams who won the revival round, a total of ten teams in the semi-finals.

Surprisingly, in the waiting room at backstage, Wang Yu and the rest bumped into Team Red Flame... Rolling Mario was followed by Mo Xiaobei and Red Spiderlily, as he coquettishly sat beside Quan Zhen Sect.

“Hey, Old Bull, your team’s flag looks good...” Before Wang Yu spoke, Rolling Mario greeted him first.

Wang Yu said, “Hehe, of course, I designed it!”

“Well done, well done!” Rolling Mario nodded his head.

“By the way, why are you guys here?” Wang Yu turned and asked puzzledly, “I remember we knocked out you guys in Thorn City, right?”

“Hehe!” Rolling Mario proudly laughed, “We lost to you guys the last time but based on my intelligence, we are going to turn the tables around.”

“But you guys are not included in the victors. Which group are you from?” Vainglory asked.

Everyone saw the four winning teams’ videos and Red Flame battle team was not in them.

“Group B.” Rolling Mario laughed, “This is all thanks to you guys...”

“Oh? What has it got to do with us?” Wang Yu asked curiously.

“Thanks to you guys for forcing Team Raptors to surrender or else we could not have won the revival competition.” Rolling Mario sounded relieved.

“How pitiful.” Wang Yu shook his head.


Rolling Mario did not understand initially, then laughed, “Old Bull, you should say we are lucky! Don’t envy us.”

“Why should I envy you? You guys revived yourselves twice just to be killed by us. It’s tough on you,” Wang Yu smiled and said.

Wang Yu was right. Luck was a secondary factor. PVP battles depended largely on abilities... Red Flame battle team’s abilities were not very strong. Even if they did not lose to Quan Zhen Sect, they would lose to someone else... Reviving twice to die again only showed that Rolling Mario tried very hard.

“F*ck!” You b*stard Bull!” Rolling Mario was triggered and pointed his middle finger at Wang Yu.

At the same time, a voice appeared from behind, “Hmm? Bull 13? What rubbish is this and still dare to leave it here!”

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