The Longest Night Ever Lived

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The Longest Night Ever Lived The Longest Night Ever Lived

Author: Mitch Goth

Category: Thriller

Published: 2014


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A group of friends end up having the craziest summer solstice of all time due to occurrences none of them seem to understand.Nate Bray and Cady Steward were an average eighteen year old couple. They juggled their time between enjoying each others company and enjoying the company of their friends Mike, Cera, and Taylor. But one disrupted summer solstice party and militant ambush later, everything changed. Now, with Cady and Cera taken hostage by these mysterious terrorists, Nate and the remaining group must work against time as well as their own shortcomings to ensure they save their friends and survive the night. And maybe they'll have a decent epiphany along the way...maybe.