The romantic comedy light novel series centers on the gaming lives of various high school students who play video games, including: Keita Amano, a lonely young man who loves video games; Karen Tendō, the beautiful president of the video game club; Chiaki Hoshinomori, who constantly fights with Keita; and Tasuku Uehara, who puts on a facade of being satisfied with his life in the real world, but he in truth loves video games.
List Chapter or Page:
Volume 1, Prologue: Keita Amano and Youth ContinuedVolume 1, Chapter 1: Amano Keita and the People Who are Guided.Volume 1, Chapter 2: Uehara Tasuku and Restarting After Getting StrongerVolume 1, Chapter 3: Hoshinomori Chiaki and Proximity Connection Part 1Volume 1, Chapter 3: Hoshinomori Chiaki and Proximity Connection Part 2Volume 1, Epilogue and Extra StoryVolume 2 Amano Keita and the Sold Out Game, Chapter 1: Amano Keita and the Sold Out GameVolume 2, Chapter 2: The Gamer’s Hobby Club and the Two Person PlayVolume 2, Chapter 3: Aguri and the Communication MishapVolume 2, Chapter 4: Extra: Misumi Eiichi and the Infuriating BattleVolume 2, Chapter 5: Tendo Karen and her Days in a SlumpVolume 2, Chapter 6: Gamers and Flying GetVolume 3 Chiaki Hoshinomori and New Game of First Love, Chapter 1 – Keita Amano and Karen Tendou andVolume 3, Chapter 2 - Keita Amano and Karen Tendou’s Best EntertainmentVolume 3, Chapter 3 - Chiaki Hoshinomori and Pursuit of ExcellenceVolume 3, Chapter 4 – Ero-gamer and Spectator ModeVolume 3 Chapter 5 – Tasuku Uehara and Half Their Life GameVolume 4 – Aguri and Unconscious Critical, Chapter 1 – Chiaki Hoshinomori and Account HackVolume 4, Chapter 2 – Tasuku Uehara and Plot InterventionVolume 4, Chapter 3 – Konoha Hoshinomori and Character Takeover View More >>- My Dad Is the Galaxy's Prince Charming
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